
Pleased to announce that as a BD Recognised Accredited Coach

I can offer  FLEXI Training Clinics  for Seniors or BD Youth,


or Youth BD

http://bookwhen.com/bdcentral/e/evsq9d - 20180101000000

With over 30 years experience and  competing at Prix St George  -  specialises in Dressage/ flat work plus fundamental jumping techniques. As a List 6  BD Judge. Test riding is a speciality. Teaching students for their  Stage 4/ Stage 4 Teach  (BHSII) 


Originally trained by Sue Payne FBHS at Suzanne`s Riding School, Hertfordshire in the late 1980`s, a year later achieved her BHSAI.

Over the years, been fortunate enough to be guided by numerous Coaches, who helped  gain, further qualifications with her BHS II(DR) / Senior Coach BHSI Exam  UKCC Level 3 Coach. BD National Programme of Coaching Excellence 2018/19 Cohort. 

and finally what a great start to 2020 being  Finally awarded

BHSI Stage 5 Performance Coach (DR).